Starting September 2nd, 2020!
Under the education law 245/2008, Private secondary art school of animated creation, Vlastenecké námestie 1, 851 01 Bratislava, is offering post-graduate studies without aptitude tests from the 2020/2021 school year in the following fields: :
Three year post graduate study:
8630 Q Animated creation
8636 Q Visual and sound creation
8639 Q Graphic design
8625 Q Photographic design
and two year post graduate study:
8610 Q Clothing design
Registration fee: 250 EUR / paid once before the beginning of the school attendance
Tuition fee: 180 EUR / month
Candidates intending to study the stated fields can apply until july 31st 2020. Upon presentation of documents regarding the end of secondary studies, filling out the application form and the fulfilment of the conditions of the contract, they become students of our school.
Vyššie odborné štúdium na školách umeleckého priemyslu žiaci ukončujú absolventskou skúškou. Dokladom o nadobudnutom vyššom odbornom vzdelaní je vysvedčenie o absolventskej skúške, absolventský diplom a právo používať titul diplomovaný špecialista so skratkou DiS, ktoré sa uvádza za priezviskom.
Students of post-graduate studies in the art schools finish their studies with graduate examination. The certificate about the post-secondary study is a certificate about the graduate exam, graduate diploma and the right to use the title graduate specialist with the official abbreviation DiS.art used after the surname.
Students of post-graduate studies in the art schools can study only vocational subjects and artistic practice.
The school offers the option to study post-graduate studies for four years full-time and the school principal can allow the exceptionally gifted student to skip a grade after the student passes differential exams.
To study these five fields, our school offers the special unrivalled conditions:
- well-designed educational study programs
- quality teachers and professionals in the fields
- creation in current animation and graphic SW and HW products
- top material and technical equipment with unique Motion Capture technology – 3D products
The school is the bearer of a new view of the quality of art-technical education in the position of the time conditions of classical art and software education, such as 3dsMAX, MOTION CAPTURE + face Motion Capture (facial expressions program), Autodesk, Toon Boom, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Microsoft Office, Adobe Premiere, Adobe AfterEfect, CTP, Moho…, which are updated every year. It is our best interest to use creative connection of artistic potential with multimedia technologies, where students learn to transform their ideas into a cultivated media form, thus covering the real needs of the labor market in film, advertising, television, web design, education, new multimedia textbooks …
Students outside of Bratislava can individually arrange accommodation in youth homes – Secondary School of Technology (Vranovská 2, Vranovská 4), School Dormitory Račianska 80, Secondary School of Printing (Račianska 190) and Private Youth Home Krupa DM (Pekná cesta 4). Students apply for accommodation directly to the relevant youth home.