Private art school of animation in Bratislava has bought this unique device from the English company Vicon to improve the teaching process. Our students of animated movie (8259M) are the only students in Slovakia to utilize the unique technology of Motion Capture which is designated for computer animation and the creation of 3D animated movies. 20 special cameras capture the position of markers on the body of the actor and the motion is saved in a 3D program. The captured movement is then applied to objects modelled in the Autodesk MudBox program and processed in Autodesk 3ds Max. This method saves our students months of tedious computer work since the movements that they want to transfer into their movies and final works can be instantly created, realized or corrected. Afterwards they work with already filmed sequences, refine the details and can devote their time to post-production. Motion Capture is utilized in the making of computer games as well. Examples include Assassin’s Creed, Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto and Guitar Hero.
Motion Capture technology is utilized in companies that focus on advertising in 3D visualisations since it works quickly and time-efficiently. Several Slovak and foreign companies have already used this unique technology at our school when working on their commissions, most notably the first building society savings bank (Prvá stavebná sporiteľňa) while working on their advertising campaign, which was done by studio 727. This unique technology can be used in this way in our school as well. For those interested, please contact us.