International program
College of the Green School of the Secondary School of Animation
Manager: Mgr.Viera Zavarčíková
Coordinators: Mgr. Erika Gerbócová, Mgr. Ján Mózer, Mgr. Vladimíra Nociarová
Economic support: Ing. Ľubomíra Hübnerová
Non-teaching staff: Pavel Hlúbik
External cooperation: Michaela Krupová, BOMI services s.r.o
1.A– Prieložný Aurel Félix, Dzadík Oliver, Magáth Michal, Meszárosová Viviana, Škokorová Petra, Kornetová Kornélia, Labudíková Karolína
1.B – Kiššová Laura, Omasta Natali, Bugárová Julia, Juríková Romana, Rošková Lucia, Hanzelová Terézia, Kollár Hugo, Slivka Šimon, Ivanková Martina, Ozogányová Ines, Jánošíková Emma. Slapansky Nikita
2.A – Valentová Veronika, Gulašiová Rebeka, Čermáková Dominika
2.B – Szabová Vanesa, Vitalošová Nina Rebecca, Bugyiová Elizabeth, Janotka Lukáš
3.A – Fručeková Ema, Kačkovičová Lujza, Hubertová Annamária, Čurko Adam, Kríž Scheffer Willem
3.B – Ištvánffy Ivan, Steinemann Daniel
The private school of the art industry of animated creation is involved in the certification and educational program GREEN SCHOOL
The Green School is the largest environmental program in the world, involving over 52,000 schools from all continents. Of this number, 278 schools are registered in Slovakia. The Green School program runs under the auspices of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic and, as the largest environmental program in the world, has also received recognition from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Its international coordinator is the non-profit organization FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education). The Green School title is awarded to schools that have implemented environmental education and practical activities with the direct involvement of pupils in the last 2 years. Their aim was to increase the school’s impact on the environment and to offer more interesting and practical forms of teaching. In addition to Slovakia, the certificate is awarded in another 57 countries around the world, e.g. in the Czech Republic, this program is called Ecoškola. Our school has been carrying the Green School flag for the eighth school year and has received the Green School’s international certificate three times. The first time for successful completion of a 2-year cycle with the topic of WASTE, the second time with the theme of WATER and the third time with the theme of GREENERY AND NATURE PROTECTION. In this school year (2018/2019) another school is operating in our school, for the fourth 2-year period, in which we want to defend the title of Green School. The priority activity of the certification period is WASTE Info about the Green School program: www.zelenaskola.sk, www.facebook.com/zelena.skola
Info: www.zelenaskola.sk, www.facebook.com/zelena.skola
The school follows the program – METHODOLOGY OF 7 STEPS:
- Green School College – action group and organizational guarantor of the program at the school;
- Environmentálny audit – analysis of the current state of the school, which is the basis for systematic planning (see Environmental Action Plan);
- Environmental Action Plan (EAP) – a longer-term vision of the school in the environmental field, developed into sub-objectives and specific activities;
- Monitoring and ongoing evaluation of the implementation of the action plan – continuous monitoring of the course of the program at the school and the success of the implemented measures within the planned EAP;
- Pro-environmental education – environmental education and training in teaching and in the school curriculum;
- Information and cooperation – the transcendence of pro-environmental activities into the life of the school and its surroundings;
- Eco-code – pupils’ artistic values and profiling of the school;
Schools that repeatedly participate in the program will choose a new priority theme with each new certification period offer of priority themes to choose from: WASTE, WATER, ENERGY, TRANSPORT AND AIR, GREEN ORGANIZATION AND PROCUREMENT, GREENERY AND NATURE PROTECTION). The implementation of the Green School program in a specific school is thus focused in a different direction in each certification period, the work on the program is not repeated and the activity gains in diversity and variety.
In April 2019, the exhibition Colorful Dream took place in Michalský dvor, where the works of students were presented, not only in relation to color, but also ecology and environmental issues.
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A colorful dream
In April 2019, the exhibition Colorful Dream took place in Michalský dvor, where the works of students were presented, not only in relation to color, but also ecology and environmental issues.
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Ema Kraščeničová, a 3rd grade student, created under the guidance of Ing. Štefan Kováčik ecocode of the WASTE certification period. It is a 3D model of an animal that changes into an image of the environment in which it is located. Specifically, it is a bear that is exposed to pollution and deforestation of Slovak forests.
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Donation of things from the exchange of unnecessary things
Also this year, we donated residual items from the exchange of unnecessary things for the Center for Social Services in Petržalka.
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Every year, the College of the Green School organizes a tea party for all students before leaving for the Christmas holidays. As part of ecology, students carry their own cups. This year, in addition to tea, sweet treats were served.
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THIS YEAR, THE GREEN SCHOOL HAS DRYED TO CLEAN THE CROATIAN ARM. Thanks to Erika Gerbócová, teachers and all students…
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07.10.2018 sa konal Deň sponzorstva v bratislavskej ZOO. Príhovor pani riaditeľky ZOO sa konal pri výbehu medveďa hnedého, ktorý po vlkoch sa stal predmetom nového projektu na nový výbeh. Mali sme možnosť viesť aj diskusiu ohľadom sponzorstva našej školy a aktivitách na zlepšenie situácie zvierat v ZOO, ktoré u nás rozvíjame u študentov v rámci enviromentálnej výchovy. SSUŠAT zastupovala naša predsedníčka Zelenej školy, Mgr. Erika Gerbócová, s manželom.
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Our school was represented at EKOTOPFILME by students Jakub Bondor and Zuzana Karsayová (3A), who in cooperation with Mr. Janáč created a video clip on the issue of waste. THIS VIDEO CLIP OPENED THE SCREENING OF JUNIOR EKOTOPFILM
Cleaning Chorvatske rameno
As part of the environmental education program of the Green School, our students have been tidying up again, collecting waste at Chorvatske rameno near our school.
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Garbage dump among us
On April 21, 2018, as part of the Bratislava City Days 2018, an event called “Garbage Dump Among Us” took place on Tyršovo nábreží. As part of all-day events focused on ecological waste disposal, our school also presented itself, which showed how waste can be turned into a work of art.
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Donation of things from the exchange of unnecessary things
After our exchange of unnecessary things, which took place at the school on 27.02. 2018, we decided to give the things we have left to people who need it. The donation brought with it two wonderful feelings – helping our neighbor and the knowledge that we had saved our planet from their early stay in overcrowded landfills. The donation was attended by 2nd grade students together with Mgr. Erika Gerbócová and things traveled to the Center of Social Services in Petržalka.
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Exchange of unnecessary things
On February 20, 2018, it was World Social Justice Day
Another of our unnecessary exchanges took place on the ground floor of our school, which allows us to buy various things for a symbolic price of 0.50 euros and also helps nature, as many of those things would probably be thrown away by the original owner. The exchange took place on February 27, 2018 on the ground floor of SSUŠAT.
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Ecological exhibition Avion shopping park Bratislava
On 22.02. In 2018, as part of the Green School College, we attended an ecological exhibition in the Avion shopping park in Bratislava, which focused on recycling and waste prevention. The exhibition was a great inspiration, as it contained all the materials and options for how to deal with them further. For the general public, the organizers prepared the so-called “Céčkomat”, who gave the entertainment of our childhood “céčka” for a suitable plastic bottle. The whole event was held in a very pleasant and fun spirit and we are looking forward to using the suggestions from it at our school.
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The College of the Green School decided in the school year 2017/2018 to organize a pre-Christmas tea session, the mission of which is not only to taste classic or loose teas, but also to enhance belonging among the students of our school. The relationship with our planet was strengthened especially by the fact that students, teachers and non-teaching staff brought their own glasses to prevent the production of additional waste. For those who forgot the cup, plastic replacements were available, which were recycled after the event. We thank all the participants for creating a wonderful atmosphere in the run-up to Christmas and also all those who, through their voluntary contribution, supported our activities so that we could meet as much as possible.
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Control of the Green School
On 12 May 2017, the final evaluation of the two-year cycle of the international Green School program with the priority theme GREENERY AND NATURE PROTECTION took place. Main coordinator of the GREEN SCHOOL program Bc. Miroslava Piláriková together with the regional coordinator Mgr. František Halás met with the coordinators of the Green School of SSUŠAT Mgr. Adela Vrbova, Mgr. Ján Mózer and students – members of the SSUŠAT board. Subsequently, the founder and director Mgr. Viera Zavarčíková, who is the manager of the College of the Green School, where they evaluated the work of our school and summarized its results. At the end of June 2017, our school will decide whether we have successfully completed this two-year cycle and thus defended the title of GREEN SCHOOL.
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Our Green Schoolchildren have decided to clean the Croatian arm near SSUŠAT from rubbish in order not only to relieve Mother Nature, but also to cosset this beautiful environment for the people who walk around it every day.
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Part of the money from the stock exchange was used to buy food for birds, which students go to pour into hand-made birdhouses and feeders on the school premises, so that birds from around the school have access to food even in the snowy winter season.
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On December 2, 2016, students from the college, with the help of the Green School coordinators, held a pre-Christmas exchange. Before that, however, they called on teachers and students of the school to bring preserved things from the house that they no longer need themselves, but can still please other people.
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The students from the College of the Green School, with the help of the coordinators, decided to plant medicinal herbs, which they would dry out and hold a tea session in the run-up to Christmas, at which they would offer other students and staff to the school tea from medicinal herbs.
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In the month of November, students from the first year made 3 beautiful birdhouses by hand, which they then hang in the school grounds.
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Thursday 10.10. In 2016, students 1.B, 3.B and members of the College of the Green School visited the shelter at Polianky in Bratislava.
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On 17.05. In 2016, SSUŠAT students participated in the Junior Festival, where they met a rare guest, Dr. Jane Goodall, Ph.D .. Mrs. Dr. Jane Goodall is a primatologist who has dedicated her life to enlightening and spreading the message of environmental protection.
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On April 14, 2016, four photographers of our school had the honor to participate in the cultural program “From the Life of the Green School” to create professional photographs from its course.
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SSUŠAT participated in a project called Smile for a Tree, announced by SHP Group (formerly Harmasan). Since the company produces hygiene items from trees, it has decided to run a project through schools, in which it wants to save the trees at least by planting more trees and collecting paper.
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Despite the fact that we have already successfully completed the topic of WATER, on March 22, 2016, as a proud holder of the Green School title, they commemorated Water Day and during this day we offered students tap water flavored with oranges, lemons, ginger and mint.
On March 8, 2016, a regional seminar of the Green School took place in the Satori Stage café, the course of which was also documented in photographs by our eight students of the PHOTOGRAPHIC DESIGN: Zdenko Buzma (IB), Matej Kováč (IB), Natália Sklářová (IB), Miriam Pruž IB), Alex Miartuš (II.B), Richard Aufricht (II.B), Tomáš Végh (II.B) and Barbara Páleníková (III.A).
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On November 20, 2015, within the topic GREENERY AND NATURE PROTECTION, students from the college, with the help of a gardener Mr. Gondár and coordinators of the SSUŠAT Green School, planting of eighteen deciduous and coniferous trees.
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On 14 May 2015, the final evaluation of the two-year cycle of the international Green School program with the priority theme Water took place.
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In May 2015, TV BRATISLAVA will broadcast a report from the opening of our school’s exhibition entitled ASK FOR WATER. The report itself shows not only the work of our students created within the GREEN SCHOOL program, but also the fact that they are not indifferent to the environment. At the same time, it can attract TV viewers to a personal visit.
As part of their upbringing and education, students take part in the collection of waste on the school premises every year, thus contributing to the beautification and enhancement of the environment in which they spend most of their time.
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The output questionnaire was attended by 101 respondents, of which 44 men, 57 women, specifically 43 freshmen, 26 sophomores, 21 third graders and 11 employees.
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Coordinators of the SSUŠAT Green School – Mgr. Adela Vrbová and Mgr. At the beginning of May 2015, Ján Mózer modified the original input questionnaire to an output questionnaire to find out whether the drinking of water increased by 10%, as they set at the beginning of the 2-year cycle, in 2013. They distributed the questionnaire to their colleagues and students. Questionnaire
On April 29, 2015, the opening of the REQUEST WATER exhibition took place in the CikCak Center, in Petržalka. At the exhibition, which will last until May 22, 2015, visitors can see photographs, paintings, drawings and objects created by students of our school, on the topic of WATER, within the international environmental program GREEN SCHOOL
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For the opening of the ASK WATER exhibition, we made a short video in which we presented the operation of the Green School program at our school. At the same time, we supplemented the video not only with the various works of students on the topic of WATER, but also with a video created during Earth Day, when we all drank only lemonade and tea at school throughout the day.
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21.4. 2015, the day before EARTH DAY, at the Private Secondary Art School of Animation in Bratislava we made a COMMITMENT FOR EARTH (as an activity for GREEN SCHOOL DAY) and we shot a video in which students of the SSUŠAT Green School College serve lemonade and tea to other students in their hand-painted cups.
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The International Program – Green School called on all schools that are part of this program to participate in the Green Schools Day activity during the week of April 20-26, 2015 and to make a commitment for the Earth during one day, as it is EARTH DAY on April 22, 2015.
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On February 26, 2015, the WATER CARNIVAL took place at our school, which was organized by members of the board of the Green School SSUŠAT with the support of the founder Mgr. Viera Zavarčíková. It was attended by students of our school in masks, which they made themselves in OFF classes.
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During February, as part of the Green School program, first and second year students wrote English essays on the subject, the best of which we publish here for you.
During December, as part of the Green School program, first- and second-year students wrote poems on the subject Slovak language and literature, the best of which we publish here for you.
Dear friends of the school, vote for the most beautiful selfie-photo with a hand-painted cup.
Dear friends of the school, please vote for the most beautiful cup. In this way, you will support the pupils of our school, who painted their cup by hand within the Green School program, with the priority theme WATER.
Na konci novembra koordinátori Zelenej školy spolu s pani učiteľkou vyučujúcou predmety v odbore FOTOGRAFICKÝ DIZAJN zrealizovali dvojhodinové stretnutie, na ktorom študenti fotografie odfotili maľované poháre žiakov. Fotografie budú následne zverejnené na stránke školy, na ktorej môžu všetci návštevníci hlasovať o najkrajšie maľovaný pohár.
Zároveň počas dvojhodinovky zrealizovali so žiakmi celej školy fotenie selfie-fotiek, ktoré budú taktiež zverejnené na stránke školy ako súťažné fotografie s možnosťou hlasovania výhercu.
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V priebehu októbra dostal každý žiak našej školy sklený pohár, ktorý so mohol ľubovoľne omaľovať na predmetoch VÝTVARNÁ PRÍPRAVA, FIGURÁLNE KRESLENIE a MODELOVANIE.
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Počas septembra využili žiaci z kolégia vyučovací predmet BIOLÓGIA na to, aby pod vedením koordinátorky Mgr. Adely Vrbovej zrealizovali rovesnícke vzdelávanie s cieľom prilákať nových študentov z tried 1.A a 1.B.
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Zber podpisov na podporu našej petície sme zrealizovali prostredníctvom zverejnenia petičného hárku nielen na stránke školy, ale aj na ekologickej stránke (www.ekoforum.sk), ďalej oslovením rodičov našich študentov, ale aj oslovením samotných študentov nad 18 rokov a v neposlednom rade dobrovoľným podpisovaním petičného hárku na vrátnici a na sekretariáte pani generálnej riaditeľky.
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Dňa 2.7.2014 vyšiel v denníku PRAVDA článok o nelegálnej výstavbe na Jarovskom ramene, taktiež aj o našej petícii, ktorý si môžete prečítať na stránkach denníka Pravda.
Naša škola, ako nositeľka titulu Zelená škola, sa rozhodla podať petíciu proti nelegálnej výstavbe na Jarovskom ramene, kde majitelia hausbótov zasahujú do biotopov a značne znečisťujú zásoby podzemných vôd. Pre podporu našej iniciatívy boli oslovení všetci naši pedagogickí aj nepedagogickí zamestnanci, taktiež aj priatelia školy. Triedni učitelia zase oslovili rodičov a koordinátor Zelenej školy oslovil cez školský rozhlas aj študentov, ktorí už majú 18 rokov a viac. Tí, ktorí majú záujem, môžu petíciu podporiť na stránke www.uat.sk, kde je petícia aj v elektronickej podobe.
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Dňa 14. 5. 2014 sa zapojili študenti z kolégia Zelenej školy SSUŠAT, ako dobrovoľníci, do kampane Modrý gombík 2014. Pod vedením koordinátorov zrealizovali zbierku najprv v našej škole a následne aj v jej okolí. Výťažok zo zbierky poputoval na realizáciu trojročného projektu, prostredníctvom, ktorého chce UNICEF docieliť, aby sa pitná voda stala základom života všetkých detí v Ugande.
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Dňa 7.5. 2014 sme využili ponuku z Inštitútu aplikovanej ekológie – DAPHNE a absolvovali sme so študentmi kolégia Zelenej školy SSUŠAT exkurziu na Sihoť, konkrétne do Bratislavských luhov.
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Hoci tohtoročný Svetový deň vody vyšiel až na sobotu (22.3.2014), nám to nebránilo v tom, aby sme ho ako Zelená škola oslávili ešte deň predtým, teda v piatok (21.3.2014). Náš zámer osláviť Svetový deň vody podnietil navyše aj fakt, že naša škola práve prechádza ďalším dvojročným certifikačným obdobím programu ZELENÁ ŠKOLA a to s prioritnou témou – VODA.
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Dňa 15.1.2014 bol projekt našej školy (pod záštitou programu Zelená škola) posunutý do verejného hlasovania, kde o výhre, resp. získaní grantu (na zážitkovú exkurziu pre našich žiakov – členov Zelenej školy) mohli rozhodnúť už aj verejnosť, teda aj my. Týmto spôsobom mali odmenu za ich snahu a čas. Z celkového počtu 20 projektov IKEA finančne podporila 10 projektov s najväčším počtom hlasov. Hlasovanie prebiehalo do 30.1.2014.
Aktualizáciu nástennej tabule na novú prioritnú tému – VODA, s menným zoznamom nového kolégia a so všeobecnými potrebnými informáciami sme zrealizovali v novembri 2013.
Tabuľa sa nachádza na druhom poschodí hlavnej budovy na chodbe. Aktualizovaná nástenná tabuľa
Mnoho respondentov sa v dotazníku vyjadrilo, že vodu zo školského vodovodu začnú piť za podmienok, že budú mať podklad o nezávadnosti vody. Aj to bol jeden z dôvodov, prečo sme sa rozhodli dať vodu zo školského vodovodu na rozbor. Fyzikálno-chemický rozbor vody ukázal, že voda z nášho školského vodovodu je pitná a vyhovuje všetkým kritériám, ktoré by pitná voda mala mať. Protokol z rozboru vody zo školského vodovodu
Pri vyhodnocovaní dotazníka je v prvom rade potrebné naznačiť niekoľko faktografických dát:
Zber údajov od respondentov sa uskutočnil v mesiacoch október až december – v závislosti od času triedneho pedagóga príslušnej triedy. Na testovaní sa zúčastnilo 116 osôb, z čoho bolo 60 žien a 56 mužov. V tomto počte bolo zahrnutých 21 zamestnancov školy. Odpovede respondentov
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Koordinátori Zelenej školy SSUŠAT – Mgr. Adela Vrbová a Mgr. Ján Mózer zhotovili v mesiaci október 2013 dotazník, aby zistili, aká je situácia s pitím vody zo školského vodovodu nielen u žiakov, ale aj u pedagogických a nepedagogických zamestnancov. Dotazník rozdali svojim kolegom a žiakom. Dotazník
Po vytvorení Kolégia Zelenej školy a po nasledujúcom Environmentálnom audite školy, sme si spolu so žiakmi na jednom stretnutí zvolili na najbližšie dvojročné obdobie prioritnú tému – VODA.
Pred samotným začatím vytvárania Environmentálneho akčného plánu sme si stanovili dva ciele:
1. cieľ: Zvýšiť pitie vody zo školského vodovodu o 10%
2. cieľ: Umelecky zobraziť tému vody vo všeobecno-vzdelávacích a odborných predmetoch